No Green Thumb? …No Problem!

A nicely landscaped home increases its value by twenty percent! How fabulous is that?!? Even if you live in your forever home, and never anticipate leaving; everyone is looking for ways to create value and comfort for their property and home.  I find great value in my own landscape; it creates an extension of our home.  It is also a therapeutic way to express my creativity.  The ability to cultivate and add color and texture to the exterior home creates a sense of love and completeness to the outside of a home. 

What if we could do the same creative concept inside our homes? Provide fresh, colorful greens and flowers to enhance our mood and create calmness for the people who live there.  In a world where more people are working from home; it has become imperative that people are creating a more relaxing atmosphere in their homes. 

When I’m out doing events the most common thing I hear is, “ I don’t have a green thumb…I kill everything.”  Even though God didn’t make everyone equal or have the same abilities, I am a firm believer that some type of plant can survive in your home!  There is no reason to create stress when caring for plants in your home or even outside of your home.  Plants are made to create happiness, reduce stress, clean our air, and be therapeutic. 

So…. the big question?! How can you enjoy plants in your house and be stress-free? My advice is to start small; try buying fresh-cut flowers every other week. Enjoying a bouquet of cut flowers is so easy! When you bring a bouquet home recut the stems and place them in your favorite container. As flowers become droopy and past their prime don’t feel bad to compost them.  

Don’t change this pattern until you feel passionate about up-ing your game.  What is up-ing your game? Try your hand at a low-maintenance house plant, a few favorite vegetable plants, or possibly a hanging basket for your favorite outdoor sitting area. You decide what your passion should be!

Does caring for plants take time? absolutely. Is it possibly a learning curve? Yes, BUT in return, you will what you will receive will be worth the time and energy! Let me be the one to challenge you! When you see a plant that is screaming to you TAKE ME HOME! ….but you feel; “I really would love to have that plant in my house, but you hesitate because you are worried about killing it.” Try it!… Don’t be scared! If you are buying your plants at a garden center or big box store, ask questions about how to maintain them.  Also, there are so many free apps and websites that can explain best practices.  

Now, hopefully, you are inspired! Take the plunge you will not be disappointed! Caring for plants is a therapeutic experience! Don’t miss you! To help you to be inspired here are a few easy options for beginners! 


  • If you are inspired to begin your plant journey with a house plant, try a mother-in-law tongue, heart-leaf philodendron, or spider plant.  All three of these only require a medium amount of light and regular light watering. They also look stunning in any decorative pot! 

  • Want to have homegrown veggies? Grow your favorite veggie to eat.  Simply…. if you love to eat it, you are more likely to enjoy and master how to grow it! 

  • Creating a summer full of color outside of your home; spark your urge for plants? Try starting with summer annuals in a large decorative container.  A large container will allow for more water, therefore your plants will not be root bound or dry out as fast. For full sun my favorite go-to easy plants are geraniums and petunias.  They are hardy for midwest summer heat and can handle a late summer trim for a reflush growth and flowers. 

Even though I may look like a total plant guru on the outside, I also kill lots of plants.  Actually right now, I’m battling to keep a croton (beautiful colorful foliage house plant) alive! So the moral of the story is to never give up! There are so many different avenues of plants to find your happy place!

Your friend from the farm,


Want to start your plant-loving journey with cut flowers? Check out our Bouquet Subscriptions!


Don’t let August be the hardest, time to refresh and reset!


How Love Grows…